Sunday, October 3, 2010

Medal of Honor Taliban=Opposing Force.

Most of you have heard of the EA game, Medal of Honor. It is quite similar to Battlefield: Bad Company 2. It is based on the Afghan states with terrorists swarming each other. There has been dispute against EA for naming the "Bad people" the Taliban, a terrorist group in which was over thrown by the Afghan government for 2001. They have been receiving letters from Widows, sorrowers, and other people on the situation of how they should re-name the title of Taliban to "Opposing Force". The Taliban are people who should not ever, ever be remembered and they don't want it to be implemented in a game. A good choice on Medal of Honor's part. Pre-order it now and play online!


  1. I can't wait for it to come out, hoping it will be better then COD :)

  2. I remember playing MOH rising sun for ps2, thats actually the game that got me into FPS, im looking forward to playing this game.

  3. Looks good.
    But I think people are just trying to get attention about the whole name thingy =\

  4. Ha looks beast almost like COD and the song " The Catalyst"

  5. I don't get it. People already know they were supposed to be the Taliban now. lol?
